
Custom invite links bring the user to the first channel on the channel list where has access to! Step 1: Make sure you have a text channel with the View Channel permission enabled for the role. If you are a partner or have reached the highest tier of Server Boosting and you want to create a custom URL (after reading all the important info and rules above), you can follow these steps below to get that set up!

  • For more information, please check out our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service!.
  • Also, keep in mind that we may take back/remove custom invite links if we discover abuse or if there's an intellectual property conflict.
  • If you don't, then the invite link window will give you an "Already Claimed" error, regardless of whether or not another server has claimed the link.
  • discordgg

    As such, the custom invite link requires your server to have at least one text channel with the Read Messages permission enabled for the role.Something important to keep in mind is that anyone can use this link to join your server, and this custom invite link makes your server publicly available to anyone who uses this link.Important Info Read this section below before creating your Custom Invite Link!


    While the link is yours to have as long as your server retains partnership or your Server Boost, it is unique, so you can't share it with any other server, or take it if it's already being used. You can enter in any words, phrase, or numbers to create a unique link to your server alone! One of the fancy perks of partnership and reaching the highest tier of Server Boosting is being able to assign a custom URL invite to your server! You can find the option to do so in your Server Settings > Custom Invite Link.
